Let Us Talk

October 16, 2008

Videos: 63rd Annual Alfred E. Smith Fdn Dinner Featuring Obama and McCain (Roast)

63rd Annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner

When:         Thursday, October 16, 2008
Where:        The Waldorf=Astoria, New York City
Time:           6:30 p.m. 

Keynote Speakers:
Honorable John McCain, United States Senate, Arizona
Honorable Barack Obama, United States Senate, Illinois




Barack Obama and GOP rival John McCain traded their boxing gloves for formal wear – and some self-deprecating humor – at Thursday night’s Alfred E. Smith Dinner. The annual see-and-be-seen political roast, named for the famed 1920s New York governor, is “the last time they’re going to be together before the election,” said Smith’s great-grandson and namesake.

The dinner has a storied history, having featured luminaries from Winston Churchill to George W. Bush.

And with the excitement generated by the presidential candidates at the top of the marquee, this year’s sold-out soiree has surpassed its goal of raising $2.5 million for Catholic causes. Alfred E. Smith was the first Catholic to run for president of the U.S. and a former 4 time governor of New York.

Both McCain and Obama were very funny in their roast.


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