Let Us Talk

October 16, 2008

Videos: 63rd Annual Alfred E. Smith Fdn Dinner Featuring Obama and McCain (Roast)

63rd Annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner

When:         Thursday, October 16, 2008
Where:        The Waldorf=Astoria, New York City
Time:           6:30 p.m. 

Keynote Speakers:
Honorable John McCain, United States Senate, Arizona
Honorable Barack Obama, United States Senate, Illinois




Barack Obama and GOP rival John McCain traded their boxing gloves for formal wear – and some self-deprecating humor – at Thursday night’s Alfred E. Smith Dinner. The annual see-and-be-seen political roast, named for the famed 1920s New York governor, is “the last time they’re going to be together before the election,” said Smith’s great-grandson and namesake.

The dinner has a storied history, having featured luminaries from Winston Churchill to George W. Bush.

And with the excitement generated by the presidential candidates at the top of the marquee, this year’s sold-out soiree has surpassed its goal of raising $2.5 million for Catholic causes. Alfred E. Smith was the first Catholic to run for president of the U.S. and a former 4 time governor of New York.

Both McCain and Obama were very funny in their roast.



  1. I watch this on TV. I couldn’t say until tonight that I had a favorite moment in this 2 year campaign. Very funny and good nature overall.What struck me is that all these people running for president are all in an exclusive club were they are acquaintances or friends.

    Thank god the presidency is not based on comedy because John McCain would win with a landslide. (did you see Mrs. Clinton in stitches laughing)Tonight I could see why I prefer McCain over Bush in the 2000 primaries. I especially like the part when he said and I paraphrase “I can not wish my opponent good luck but I wish him good will”. Then he talk about the civil rights r where the thought of a black man visiting the WH was a scandal. It sounded like he was conceding.

    Comment by duttybwoy — October 17, 2008 @ 12:39 am | Reply

  2. Dutty, humor has always been important to McCain. If I was president I would appoint him court jester. He has good comedic timing.

    The end of his speech did sound like a concession – I agree.

    Comment by Paulette — October 17, 2008 @ 1:59 pm | Reply

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