Let Us Talk

July 21, 2008

Monday: Obama Gets Blackhawk Ride From General Petraeus

 John McCain finally got what he wanted – General David Petraeus and Senator Obama met in Iraq.

The General met Senator Obama and the congressional delegation at Baghdad International Airport and flew them in his personal Blackhawk helicopter to the heavily fortified Green Zone, said Col Steve Boylan, a U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad.

During the short 10 to 15 minute helicopter ride Petraeus pointed out landmarks to the senators. The flight took Obama over the predominantly Sunni neighborhoods of West Baghdad, areas where Al Qaeda once controlled, but that today are controlled by pro-U.S. neighborhood watch groups.

Obama and the other visiting senators will meet with Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker later this evening.

During the meeting Petraues “is going to provide an honest forthright assessment of the situation on the ground” and answer the senators’ questions, Boylan said.

Security has been tightened in much of Baghdad. All civilian flights into and out of Baghdad airport were delayed for hours, according to Charlie Jones, who had gone to the airport to pick up employees for his company, Information Technology Outsourcing, a U.S. contractor in Iraq.

In Baghdad neighborhoods close to the Green Zone Iraqi cars waited in long lines to get through newly erected checkpoints where Iraqi soldiers searched every vehicle.

Inside the Green Zone, however, independent contractor Shane Hopkins said the U.S. military did not seem to have bolstered security as much as they have for other visiting dignitaries.

“Normally when VIPs visit there are a lot of little things that you notice,” he said. “The cell phones stop working, the checkpoints get a lot stricter, and it really impacts the work on the bases. Compared to other politicians’ visits, we don’t even know that Obama’s here. As of now, it’s just another day at work in paradise.”


Monday: Iraq Wants US Combat Forces Out By 2010

  Iraq‘s government spokesman is hopeful that U.S. combat forces could be out of the country by 2010.

Ali al-Dabbagh made the comments following a meeting in Baghdad on Monday between Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and Senator Barack Obama.

The timeframe is similar to Obama’s proposal to pull back combat troops within 16 months. The Iraqi government has been trying to clarify its position on a possible troop withdrawal since al-Maliki was quoted in a German magazine last week saying he supported Obama’s timetable.

Maliki had tried softening his position after the White House called him to reprimand him because the White House was embarrassed that the Iraqi leader favored Obama’s position.

The Iraqi government has now come back to pretty much what was quoted in the German magazine. 

This is the type of confusion created when one government (Bush administration) tries to manipulate another. (Maliki’s administration).



July 18, 2008

Security Fears As Obama Travels To The Middle East And Europe

  Obama 's planned trip to Israel and the West Bank has raised security concerns to levels not seen since the Illinois senator began his presidential bid.

Coming just weeks after shots were fired at Israel's Tel Aviv airport during a farewell ceremony for France's Sarkozy, from an apparent suicide of a security guard, Obama's trek to the region has become a serious logistical and safety challenge.

"I would prefer if he did not make the trip to Ramallah," a concerned government official explained Thursday night from Washington. "And he must use extreme caution throughout Israel at this time, in my opinion, especially Jerusalem."

A planned foot tour of Jerusalem's Old City has been called off, a senior source reveals.

Senator Obama's exact itinerary is not being made public but campaign officials have announced stops in Jordan, Israel, Germany, France and England.

June 11, 2008

Video: I’m Voting Republican Because…

I’m voting republican because I don’t need no stinking healthcare!


I’m voting republican because new drugs should be made available immediately; whether they’ve been tested properly or not!


I’m voting republican because women just can’t be trusted to make decisions about their own bodies. Never, ever, ever!


I’m voting republican because I think the whole world should be run by one big corporation!


Watch the video:



Hilarious, great satire!





June 1, 2008

McCain: Not Just Visiting, He’s Living on Fantasy Island


Last week John McCain McBush reiterated for me that he is clueless about things he speaks about.  McBush’s claim to fame is that he is an expert on Iraq, but that is not true.  He keeps making mammoth mistakes which scare the living daylights out of me.  These are not little slips of the tongue or him misspeaking; McBush continually gets the facts wrong.  He just keeps getting it wrong.  It makes me wonder what he’ll be saying in September/October when he’s tired.  Right now he’s pretty well-rested.

Last week he said to a town hall crowd, “I can look you in the eye and tell you the surge is succeeding”. “We have drawn down to pre-surge levels.”

Whoa big John! That’s not true, so STOP looking me in the eye!  There are currently 155,000 troops in Iraq; there were 130,000 before the surge.

McBush also proclaimed that Mosul is “quiet”.  According to our US military, there are 23 major cities in Iraq; Mosul is the third largest city.  But somehow McBush wants us to feel content that one city, Mosul, is ‘quiet’?  But not even that is true.

McCain seem not to have heard that earlier that day three suicide bombings rocked Mosul and a nearby town, leaving 23 dead.

The day before that McCain scoffed at Obama for declining to go with him on a trip to Iraq, saying, “We’ve got to show him the facts on the ground.”

Which facts are those Senator?  The fantasy facts you invented while on Fantasy Island visiting the year 2013?

Keep McBush out of the White House or God help us all!




P.S. Please read our 5/17 post, “McCain: Mac to the Future” to get details of McCain’s ‘2013 speech’ delivered on May 15 in Columbus, Ohio.



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