Let Us Talk

November 12, 2008

The Night Obama Slept In A NYC Alley: From Alley Way To The White House


Barack Obama’s story is truly about strength of mind, perseverance, courage and audaciousness.  This man – from he was young – was determined to be a success and did all he had to and remains grounded. Barack Obama is truly an inspiration. This man has my respect!

This post was written on Tuesday, November 4

If the election goes the way the polls predict, every school kid should see the Manhattan alleyway where a future President spent his first night in New York.

Just across the street is the fire hydrant where young Barack Obama washed up with a homeless gentleman after waking that morning a quarter century ago.

Obama had come to New York as a transfer student at Columbia, having arranged to take over a friend of a friend’s apartment on W. 109th St. He arrived with his luggage just after 10p.m., only for nobody to answer the door.

Obama sat on the building’s stoop, rereading a letter he had received before he left California. The letter was from the father who had long since moved back to Kenya. The father urged him to carry through with plans to visit Africa after his graduation.

“The important thing is that you know your people, and also that you know where you belong,” the long-absent father had written. “Please look after yourself and say hello to your mum.”

Obama refolded the letter and gazed along what was then a row of boarded-up buildings on W. 109th St., keenly feeling the absence of a guiding paternal hand in a country where there seemed no clear place for a young black man.

“I looked down now at the abandoned New York street,” Obama later wrote in his autobiography. “Where were the fathers, the uncles and grandfathers who could help explain this gash in our hearts? Where were the healers who might help us rescue meaning from defeat? They were gone, vanished, swallowed up by time. Only their cloudy images remained.”

He waited past midnight before wiggling through a gate into an alleyway that by his description is almost certainly the one adjacent to 200 W. 109th St.

“I found a dry spot, propped my luggage beneath me and fell asleep, the sound of drums softly shaping my dreams,” he wrote. “I woke up to find a white hen pecking at the garbage near my feet.”

He rose and stepped from the alleyway.

“Across the street, a homeless man was washing himself at an open hydrant and didn’t object when I joined him,” Obama recalled.

Twenty-five years later, the hydrant has been given a cheerful coat of red paint by the Dominican superintendent of the building across from the alleyway.

The alleyway is no longer garbage-strewn but swept clean, the six trash cans kept in a neat row by the Montenegrin super in the adjacent building.

The supers were taking the extra care because that is their nature, just as the once-abandoned buildings along the block now fly American flags as a signal of the neighborhood’s restoration.

Nobody seems to have been aware that the alleyway and the hydrant might become one of the city’s most unlikely historical sights.

Here slept and washed up a future President who propelled himself beyond the soft drumming of his dreams, who appeared before us suddenly and so vividly, showing a young black man’s place is where he strives to be, presenting himself as a healer who can help black and white rescue meaning from defeat.

“It’s a privilege to live in a neighborhood where once a future President has spent the night,” the Montenegrin super, Ruzdija Jarovic, said in his native language.

Happy shouts rang out from the recess yard of Public School 165 just down the block. A whistle sounded and the youngsters filed inside past a bank of voting machines delivered for the election that could have such an impact on their future.

The man who slept in the alley just up W. 109th St. was on every ballot in the country. Obama’s father and mother died long before his nomination. His grandmother died yesterday, a day before she could have seen more than dreams come true.

Maybe the homeless guy who shared the hydrant is still around. The hydrant and the alleyway remain, and to visit there on Election Eve was to feel how audacious hope can really be.



Author: Michael Daly – NY Daily News.

Link: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2008/11/03/2008-11-03_how_far_obama_and_us_have_come_since_he_.html

June 8, 2008

Senator Barack Obama’s Accomplishments (Please Pass on)

   Many republicans persist in spreading untruths and propaganda that Senator Barack Obama has not accomplished anything in his career, they insist that he only gives great speeches.  Those statements are hogwash and pure ‘campaign rhetoric’.

This post lists public information that his opponent knows to be true but choose to ignore because it’s not good for republicans if democrats, independents and progressive republicans know all the positive facts about Senator Obama.  Republicans only want us to know damaging facts about Obama so that when we hear negative things (even if they are untrue) they will make us doubtful about him.  Senator Obama served on the Board of Directors for several civic organizations and sits on several Senate committees which I didn’t list because it would make this extremely lengthy. The accomplishments listed here show that Senator Obama is not just a great orator; he is also a VERY HARD WORKER and an accomplished achiever. 

Below is a précis on Senator Obama’s life and career.


Christian. Saved. Has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

·       Barack Obama’s father left Barack’s life when he was 2 years old.  Therefore Senator Obama had no Muslim influence in his life.  At the age of 6 in Indonesia, Senator Obama attended Catholic schools where he studied the catechism.  Both CNN and the AP visited the Basuki School, the actual school Obama attended that has been called a madrassa elementary school.  Obama attended the school before the age 6.  The reporters from CNN and the AP found that it is a public school that does not focus on any religion.  The children wear uniforms and the teachers wear western clothing.  Both CNN and the AP investigated and confirmed that the school Obama attended has no similarity to any madrassa school.

Swore on a Quran

This is completely false.  A black congressman from Minnesota, Keith Ellison after he swore on a Bible during his official oath, took a picture for a photo-op with his hand placed on a Quran which was owned by President Thomas Jefferson.  Ellison did not swear on the Quran; it was a personal photo since Ellison is Muslim and historic because the Quran was owned by Jefferson.

Obama will not recite the Pledge of Allegiance

Senator Obama often leads the Pledge of Allegiance on the Senate floor.  The picture that started this rumor was taken during the playing of the national anthem.  It’s not necessary to place your hand over your heart during the playing of the national anthem even though some people do.  US Flag Code, section 4 states:

Sec. 4. – Pledge of allegiance to the flag; manner of delivery

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all., should be rendered by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute.

August 4, 1961

Born in Honolulu, Hawaii

May 1979

Graduated Punahou High School, Hawaii

May 1983

Graduated Columbia University, New York City

Major: Political Science

Specialization: International relations

June 1985-May 1988

Director of Developing Communities Project.  Worked as a church-based community organizer for 8 Catholic parishes on Chicago’s South Side. During his tenure, the DCP staff grew from 1 to 13; its budget grew from $70K to $400K with major accomplishments including setting up job training programs, college preparatory tutoring program and creating a tenants’ rights organization.

Summer 1988

Travelled to Europe for 3 weeks and then to Kenya for 5 weeks where he met his Kenyan relatives for the first time.

Fall 1988

Entered Harvard Law School

June – August 1989

Met Michelle Robinson while he was a Summer Associate at Sidley Austin law firm.

Fall 1989

Started dating Michelle Robinson


President, Harvard Law Review


Graduated from Harvard magna cum laude.

Returned to Chicago and started writing his first book, Dreams from My Father

Fall 1991

Became engaged to Michelle Robinson

April – October 1992

Director of Illinois Project Vote!  He had a staff of 10 and 700 volunteers.  They were successful in registering 150,000 out of 400,000 unregistered African-Americans.  Crain’s Chicago Business named Obama to its 1993 list of ’40 under Forty’ powers to be, because of this accomplishment.

October 3, 1992

Married Michelle Robinson Obama


Published his first book, Dreams from My Father


Malia Ann Obama was born


Natasha (Sasha) Obama was born


Associate Attorney with Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland.

·       After 1996 he worked with David, Miner, Barnhill & Galland only during the summers when the Illinois Senate was not in session.  He worked on cases where the firm represented community organizers, pursued discrimination claims and worked on voting rights cases. 


Taught constitutional law part-time at the University of Chicago Law School

January 3, 1997 –

November 4, 2004

Elected to Illinois State Senate

January 4, 2005 –


Elected to United State Senate


Published his second book, The Audacity of Hope


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